How to calculate standard error for RE02 example

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Dear all,
I’m trying to explore the “examples\extended\runAndEvent\RE02” example to learn the way to use G4MultiFunctionalDetector. I ran the example and the results are shown in the attached image.

My question is how to calculate the standard error for each voxel with a certain quality, the G4PSEnergyDeposit3D for example.

I saw in the B1 example show the way to calculate the rms but it has to know the eDep^2. I don’t know how to apply it for the RE02 example.

  // Compute dose = total energy deposit in a run and its variance
  G4double edep  = fEdep.GetValue();
  G4double edep2 = fEdep2.GetValue();
  G4double rms = edep2 - edep*edep/nofEvents;
  if (rms > 0.) rms = std::sqrt(rms); else rms = 0.;  

  const B1DetectorConstruction* detectorConstruction
   = static_cast<const B1DetectorConstruction*>
  G4double mass = detectorConstruction->GetScoringVolume()->GetMass();
  G4double dose = edep/mass;
  G4double rmsDose = rms/mass;

Dear Bui Tien Hung,

Sorry for delay in response. You need to work on class RE02Run as follows:

  1. Create this member variable: std::vector<G4THitsMap<G4double>*> fRunMap2;
  2. Then, the idea is to copy whatever is done with fRunMap, so that fRunMap2 does the same. For instance, in RE02Run constructor you should add a line stating fRunMap2.push_back(new G4THitsMap<G4double>(detName,collectionName)) below the push_back done for fRunMap. And so on.
  3. Of course, the key difference is in RecordEvent() function. Here, you instead add up the square of the quantities stored in *evtMap, i.e.: *fRunMap2[i] += (*evtMap)*(*evtMap);

Then, once you verify that the accumulation of the squared weights is working, you need to adapt the output accordingly, which is done in RunAction::EndOfRunAction() method.

I know that these instructions are brief and may not enough to have this working completely, but I hope they help you to understand the approach. If you encounter technical problems while doing this, please let us know.


Dear Miguel,
I want to thank you for your response. I followed your instructions step by step but when I complied the source code, It showed me an error like “error C2676: binary ‘*’: ‘G4THitsMap’ does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator”.
I hope you can explain the error to me. Thank you again.
Best regards,

Oops, my fault, I forgot that detail, my sincere apologies. This happens because the operation ‘*’ is not defined in G4THitsMap, thus my instruction #3 needs to be prepared beforehand.

I am out of office for some days, but let me check if I can access my repo. I did this in the past, so I’ll get back to you with more accurate info as soon as I can.


Hi again,

A possible workaround to get step #3 working is:

a. Create this method in Run class to produce a map storing the squares of quantities accumulated at end of event (please don’t forget to declare it in header file):

// Get the squares of all the quantities stored
// in the EvtMap in order to keep information
// about the uncertainties during all the run.
Run::ComputeEvtHitsMap2( G4THitsMap<G4double>* evtHitsMap ) const
  G4THitsMap<G4double>* evtHitsMap2 = evtHitsMap;
  std::map<G4int, G4double*>* evtMap = evtHitsMap->GetMap();

  std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator it;
  for(it = evtMap->begin(); it != evtMap->end(); it++)  {
    G4int key = it->first;
    G4double evtX2 = (*(it->second))*(*(it->second));
    evtHitsMap2->set(key, evtX2);

  return evtHitsMap2;

b. Then, go back to previous step #3, i.e. in method RecordEvent(), and write this instead of my previous hint:

//--- Create the evtMap2 to score squares.
G4THitsMap<G4double>* evtMap2 = ComputeEvtHitsMap2( evtMap );
// And sum it up to HitsMap of squares persistent in RUN
*fRunMap2[i] += *evtMap2;

I hope this works. Please check carefully variable names, as I adapted on the fly my naming criterion to this one.


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