How to change the geometry in each loop?

Hello,I want to change the thickness in a loop as:

/control/loop loop1.mac thickness 0.1 10.1 0.1

and loop1.mac:

/control/verbose 0
/run/verbose 0
/tracking/verbose 0
/process/verbose 0
/ZnS/SetThickness {thickness} um
/run/beamOn 300

But it can`t work;
The change of thickness only worked when I just execute mac without loop

 /control/verbose 0
/run/verbose 0
/tracking/verbose 0
/process/verbose 0
/ZnS/SetThickness 10 um
/run/beamOn 300

Does your /ZnS/SetThickness command automatically call runManager->GeometryHasBeenModified()? If not, then your loop needs to do that by hand:

/ZnS/SetThickness {thickness} um

In my DetectorConstruction,I write the method as

void DetectorConstruction::SetThickness(G4double val)
        fThickness = val;
        p_z = fThickness/2+3*mm;

I think it has automatically called runManager->GeometryHasBeenModified()

And,even if loop with

/ZnS/SetThickness {thickness} um

There is still no change.

Try putting /run/reinitializeGeometry explicitly in your loop1.mac, before /run/initialize, instead of my first suggestion. According to the help for both:

 17) geometryModified * Force geometry to be closed (re-voxellized) again.
 18) reinitializeGeometry * Force geometry to be rebuilt once again.

The “re-voxellized” means that the geometry structure doesn’t get constructed again, but you might have gone through and changed materials, or density or something.

In your case, you’re changing dimensions, which means you need the whole thing constructed from scratch.

So,did I should wirte loop1.mac as:

/control/verbose 0
/run/verbose 0
/tracking/verbose 0
/process/verbose 0
/ZnS/SetThickness {thickness} um
/run/beamOn 300

Doing this seems to have no effect

loop1.mac should have

/ZnS/SetThickness {thickness} um
/run/beamOn 300

[quote=“mojingshihua, post:9, topic:11904, full:true”]
In my DetectorConstruction,I change the thickness as:

 void DetectorConstruction::SetThickness(G4double val)
        fThickness = val;
        p_z = fThickness/2+3*mm;
//        G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GeometryHasBeenModified();

Should I cancel the " G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GeometryHasBeenModified(); "?Because if loop1.mac as

/ZnS/SetThickness {thickness} um
/run/beamOn 300

I can`t see any energy deposite in ZnS , likes it disappeared.