How to define a isotropic cylinder source

Hey, Geant4 users,

I want to define the isotropic cylindrical source.
The source is a radioactive γ nuclide, such as Cs-137 or Co-60, and these γ nuclides are placed in cylindrical containers; therefore, it is an isotropic volumetric source. How should it be defined? Are there any forums or PowerPoint materials available? Seeking for sharing and guidance.

Best regards,

1- with G4ParticleGun :
You may have a look to example extended/hadronic/NeutronSource.
See Readme and PrimaryGeneratorAction class

2- with G4GeneralParticleSource :
see Geant4 General Particle Source — Book For Application Developers 11.2 documentation

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Thanks for your advise. That helps me a lot.
I am trying the /examples/extended/eventgenerator/exgps/macros/test11.mac
After cmake… and make, open test11.mac the trenimal error is
** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gps/alpha -2.> ***

Best regards

I guess it must be : /gps/ene/alpha

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