How to get accurate global time to calculate the Time of Flight

Dear Geant4 experts, I wonder the reason of error with my global time setting.

I want to calculate the time of flight by subtracting the global time of each reaction in two different sensitive detector by shooting a neutron generated from spontaneous Cf-252 source. (Especially, between Li6 (n, a) t Reaction in GS20 detector and neutron in Liquid scintillation detector)

To get the global time information, I used the code as shown below.

#include "detector.hh"

SensitiveDetector::SensitiveDetector(G4String name) : G4VSensitiveDetector(name)


G4bool SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(G4Step* step, G4TouchableHistory* ROhist)
	G4Track* track = step->GetTrack();
	G4StepPoint* Step = step->GetPreStepPoint();
	G4double startingReactionTimeofLSD = 0.0;
	G4double startingReactionTimeofGS20 = 0.0;

	G4String detectorName = GetName();

	G4AnalysisManager* man = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();

	if (track->GetParentID() == 0) {
		startingReactionTimeofLSD = 0.0;
		startingReactionTimeofGS20 = 0.0;

	G4int ParentID = track->GetParentID();

	G4int TrackID = track->GetTrackID();

	const G4Event* event = G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GetCurrentEvent();

	G4int EventID = event->GetEventID();

	G4double KineticE = 0.0;

	KineticE = track->GetKineticEnergy();

	G4Material* material = track->GetMaterial();
	G4String materialName = material->GetName();

	G4Material* Nextmaterial = track->GetNextMaterial();
	G4String NextMaterialName = Nextmaterial->GetName();

	G4LogicalVolume* volume = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume();
	G4String volumeName = volume->GetName();

	G4double DepositedEnergyinLSD = 0.0;
	G4double DepositedEnergyinGS20 = 0.0;

	G4String processName = "Unknown";
	if (step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep() != nullptr) {
		processName = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName();

	const G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition = track->GetParticleDefinition();
	G4String particleName = particleDefinition->GetParticleName();

	if (particleName == "neutron" || particleName == "triton" || particleName == "alpha" || particleName == "gamma")

	if (detectorName == "LSDSensitiveDetector")
		startingReactionTimeofLSD = Step->GetGlobalTime();
		DepositedEnergyinLSD = step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();

	else if (detectorName == "GS20SensitiveDetector")
		startingReactionTimeofGS20 = Step->GetGlobalTime();
		DepositedEnergyinGS20 = step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();

	man->FillNtupleDColumn(0, startingReactionTimeofLSD);
	man->FillNtupleDColumn(1, startingReactionTimeofGS20);
	man->FillNtupleDColumn(2, DepositedEnergyinLSD);
	man->FillNtupleDColumn(3, DepositedEnergyinGS20);
	man->FillNtupleSColumn(4, processName);
	man->FillNtupleSColumn(5, particleName);
	man->FillNtupleIColumn(6, ParentID);
	man->FillNtupleIColumn(7, TrackID);
	man->FillNtupleIColumn(8, EventID);
	man->FillNtupleDColumn(9, KineticE);
	man->FillNtupleSColumn(10, volumeName);
	man->FillNtupleSColumn(11, materialName);
	man->FillNtupleSColumn(12, NextMaterialName);

	return true;

Nevertheless, according to the simulation results, the measured global times that have same Event ID possess the same global time as can be seen below example.

ReactionGloablTimeinLS ReactionGloablTimeinGS20 DepositedEinLSD DepositedEinGS20 Physical Reaction ParticleName Parent ID Track ID Event ID Kinetic Energy Volume Name Material NextMaterial
10031400000000000.00 0.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 14 57 0.41666 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE Al
0.00 10031400000000000.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 14 57 0.41666 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi Atomsphere
36930600000000000.00 0.00 0.00107394 0 hadElastic neutron 1 10 115 0.000455835 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 9.74E-05 0 hadElastic neutron 1 10 115 0.000358576 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 9.65E-05 0 hadElastic neutron 1 10 115 0.000262196 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 0.000219244 0 hadElastic neutron 1 10 115 4.31E-05 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 4.23E-05 0 hadElastic neutron 1 10 115 8.73E-07 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 5.95E-07 0 hadElastic neutron 1 10 115 2.96E-07 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 2.92E-07 0 hadElastic neutron 1 10 115 1.02E-07 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 5.58E-08 0 hadElastic neutron 1 10 115 9.14E-08 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 9.12E-08 0 hadElastic neutron 1 10 115 1.42E-08 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 1.71E-08 0 hadElastic neutron 1 10 115 1.12E-08 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 0 0 nCapture neutron 1 10 115 0 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
36930600000000000.00 0.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 10 15 115 2.22439 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE Al
0.00 36930600000000000.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 10 15 115 2.22439 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi Atomsphere
36930600000000000.00 0.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 2 115 0.608227 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE Al
0.00 36930600000000000.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 2 115 0.608227 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi Atomsphere
0.00 77319900000000000.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 13 205 0.261372 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi Atomsphere
77319900000000000.00 0.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 12 205 0.452845 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE Al
0.00 77319900000000000.00 0 0 compt gamma 1 12 205 0.216071 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi ENRICHEDLi
0.00 77319900000000000.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 12 205 0.216071 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi Atomsphere
77319900000000000.00 0.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 6 205 1.05561 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE Al
0.00 77319900000000000.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 6 205 1.05561 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi Atomsphere
77319900000000000.00 0.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 2 205 0.672663 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE Al
0.00 77319900000000000.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 2 205 0.672663 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi Atomsphere
707391000000000000.00 0.00 0 0 Transportation neutron 1 12 252 4.42679 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE Al
0.00 707391000000000000.00 0 0 Transportation neutron 1 12 252 4.42679 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi Atomsphere
10713400000000000.00 0.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 8 260 1.28398 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE Al
0.00 10713400000000000.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 6 260 0.213953 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi Atomsphere
62066000000000000.00 0.00 1.26E-08 0 hadElastic neutron 1 11 289 5.77E-08 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
62066000000000000.00 0.00 3.89E-08 0 hadElastic neutron 1 11 289 3.05E-08 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
62066000000000000.00 0.00 0 0 Transportation neutron 1 11 289 3.05E-08 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE Al
62066000000000000.00 0.00 0 0 compt gamma 1 7 289 0.601535 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE G4_XYLENE
62066000000000000.00 0.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 7 289 0.601535 LSDSensitiveDetector G4_XYLENE Al
0.00 52441400000000000.00 0 0 Transportation gamma 1 6 319 0.599478 GS20SensitiveDetector ENRICHEDLi Atomsphere

Could you let me know the way to solve this problem?

Always thanks to all of Geant4 experts.