I am creating a LaBr3 scintillator but getting more particle deposits than particles thrown

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_Geant4 Version:_v11.2.0
_Operating System:_macOS Sonoma
_CMake Version:_3.29.0-rc3

I have created a simulation of LaBr3:CE but when I am working on 10^5 particles I am getting too many depositions. Here is my detetctor and generator code.

**#include “detector.hh”

MySensitiveDetector::MySensitiveDetector(G4String name) : G4VSensitiveDetector(name)


G4bool MySensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(G4Step *aStep, G4TouchableHistory *ROhist)
// G4cout << “~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” << G4endl;

number_of_interactions = number_of_interactions + 1;

    G4cout << "number_of_interactions: " << number_of_interactions << G4endl;

G4Track *track = aStep->GetTrack();
G4int trackID = track->GetTrackID();
G4double kenergy = track->GetKineticEnergy();

// G4cout << "Kinetic Energy: " << kenergy << G4endl;

    if (kenergy > 0) {
        kgammaparticleCount = kgammaparticleCount + 1;

// G4cout << "kgammaparticleCount: " << kgammaparticleCount << G4endl;

    if(kenergy >= 662*keV) {
        ktotalgammaCount = ktotalgammaCount + 1;

// G4cout << "KEnergy deposited by a gamma particle: " << kenergy << G4endl;
// G4cout << "ktotalgammaCount: " << ktotalgammaCount << G4endl;


// G4cout << "Deposition: " << kgammaparticleCount << G4endl;

// G4cout << trackID << G4endl;
// G4cout << kenergy << G4endl;


   const G4TrackVector* secondary = aStep->GetSecondary();
   for (size_t i = 0; i < secondary->size(); ++i) {
       G4Track* secondaryTrack = (*secondary)[i];
       const G4ParticleDefinition* daughterParticleDef = secondaryTrack->GetDefinition();
       G4String daughterParticleName = daughterParticleDef->GetParticleName();

// G4cout << "Daughter particle produced: " << daughterParticleName << G4endl;

G4StepPoint *preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
G4StepPoint *postStepPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint();

G4ThreeVector posGamma = preStepPoint->GetPosition();

// G4cout << "Gamma position: " << posGamma << G4endl;

const G4VTouchable *touchable = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();

G4int copyNo = touchable->GetCopyNumber();

// G4cout << "Copy number: " << copyNo << G4endl;

G4VPhysicalVolume *physVol = touchable->GetVolume();
G4ThreeVector posDetector = physVol->GetTranslation();

// G4cout << "Detector position: " << posDetector << G4endl;

// G4double energyDeposit = preStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy() - postStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy();
auto energyDeposit = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
const G4ParticleDefinition* particleDef = track->GetDefinition();

if (particleDef->GetParticleName() == "gamma") {

// G4cout << "Energy deposited by a gamma particle: " << energyDeposit << G4endl;

    if (energyDeposit > 0) {
        gammaparticleCount = gammaparticleCount + 1;
    if(energyDeposit >= 662*keV) {
        totalgammaCount = totalgammaCount + 1;

// G4cout << "Energy deposited by a gamma particle: " << energyDeposit << G4endl;
// G4cout << "totalgammaCount: " << totalgammaCount << G4endl;


// G4cout << "Deposition: " << gammaparticleCount << G4endl;
// G4cout << "Energy: " << energyDeposit << G4endl;

if (energyDeposit > 0) {
    particleCount = particleCount + 1;

// G4cout << "Total Deposition: " << particleCount << G4endl;

G4int evt = G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GetCurrentEvent()->GetEventID();

// G4cout << evt << G4endl;

G4AnalysisManager *man = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();
man->FillNtupleIColumn(0, 0, evt);
man->FillNtupleDColumn(0, 1, posDetector[0]);
man->FillNtupleDColumn(0, 2, posDetector[1]);
man->FillNtupleDColumn(0, 3, posDetector[2]);

man->FillNtupleDColumn(1, 0, kenergy);
man->FillNtupleIColumn(1, 1, gammaparticleCount);
man->FillNtupleIColumn(1, 2, trackID);


// G4cout << “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” << G4endl;


**#include “generator.hh”

fParticleGun = new G4ParticleGun(100000);

delete fParticleGun;

void MyPrimaryGenerator::GeneratePrimaries(G4Event *anEvent)
G4ParticleTable *particleTable = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
G4String particleName=“gamma”;
G4ParticleDefinition *particle = particleTable->FindParticle(“gamma”);

// G4ThreeVector pos(0., 0., -2mm);
G4ThreeVector pos(0., 0., -14.7
G4ThreeVector mom(0., 0., 1.);



eventCount = eventCount + 1;

// G4cout << “--------------------” << G4endl;

// G4cout << "eventCount: " << eventCount << G4endl;


Please see the pinned post :How to post code snippets as it’s otherwise a bit difficult to makes sense of things.

Also, what do you mean by “too many depositions”?