I can't get copynumber

•Dear All, I’m a newbie of Geant4
•I have a problem.
•I designed an calorimeter for example B4a. I want to get the copynumber. I find the code in page 150 of Book For Application Developers Release 10.5.

• Using the G4int copyNo = theTouchable->GetCopyNumber(); But CopyNo’s output is zero.I don’t know it’s right.
•Other, Using the G4int motherCopyNo = theTouchable->GetCopyNumber(1); motherCopyNo’s output is wrong. (see screenshot)

•Thank you for reading me and for helping me !

I do not see why you say that mother copy number is wrong.
In B4 geometry, the calorimeter is made of 10 layers (from 0 to 9). Each layer include 1 ( only 1) absorber and 1 ( only 1) gap. See picture in readme.