I want to set total deposit energy

Hi all.
I have a problem to deal with G4Step::Settotalenergydeposit() function. I attach the code below…

I assume this problem comes from the “const”… but I do not sure it is because of it or not.

Also, I wonder is that correct that change the total energy deposit by set total energy deposit function if I do want to change the value that EDEPMAP takes. In my program, it uses EDEPMAP for saving total energy deposit. but I want to give weighting factor depending on the particle type like Deposit energy * weighting factor(e.g. 20). To do this, I though that I have to change the total energy deposit in advance using Settotalenergydeposit function!

Thank you for in advance!

below is G4steppingaction.hh

#ifndef TETSteppingAction_h
#define TETSteppingAction_h 1

#include “G4UserSteppingAction.hh”
#include “globals.hh”
#include “G4ThreeVector.hh”
#include “G4Step.hh”
#include “G4RunManager.hh”
#include “G4UnitsTable.hh”

class G4LogicalVolume;

// *********************************************************************
// With very low probability, because of the internal bug of G4TET, the
// particles can be stuck in the vertices of tetrahedrons. This
// UserSteppingAction class was written to slightly move these stuck
// particles.
// – UserSteppingAction: Slightly move the stuck particles.
// *********************************************************************

class TETSteppingAction : public G4UserSteppingAction
virtual ~TETSteppingAction();

virtual void UserSteppingAction(const G4Step*);

G4double kCarTolerance;
G4int stepCounter;
G4bool checkFlag;
// G4double radiationfactor;
// G4double energys;
// G4double equivalent_dose;
G4Step* G4_not_const_step;
G4double count;
G4RunManager* stRun;


Below is G4Steppingaction.cc

#include “TETSteppingAction.hh”
#include “G4Event.hh”
#include “G4MTRunManager.hh”
#include “G4SystemOfUnits.hh”

: G4UserSteppingAction(), kCarTolerance(1.0000000000000002e-07), stepCounter(0),


void TETSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step* step)
// G4cout<<“stepping action cc”<<G4endl;
// G4double radiationfactor;
// G4double energys;
// G4double equivalent_dose;
// Slightly move the particle when the step length of five continuous steps is
// shorter than the tolerance (0.1 nm)
G4Track* theTrack = step->GetTrack();
G4bool CheckingLength = (step->GetStepLength() < kCarTolerance);
G4double radiationfactor;
G4double equivalent_dose;
G4double energys;
// G4double cn = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetCopyNo();
// G4String namee = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName();
G4String name = step->GetTrack()->GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName();
G4double delta_ke = step->GetDeltaEnergy();
energys = step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
// G4String post_pv_name = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName();
G4String post_pv_name = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName();

//	if (post_pv_name == "wholePhantom"){
////		G4cout<<name<<G4endl;
//		if (name == "neutron"){
//			G4cout<<step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()<<G4endl;
//		}
//	}

//	if (post_pv_name =="wholePhantom" && delta_ke>0.0*MeV){
//		if (name == "neutron"){
//			G4cout<<name<<G4endl;}}

//	G4cout<<energys<<G4endl;
if (post_pv_name =="wholePhantom" && energys>0.0*MeV){
	//		if (name == "neutron"){
	//			G4cout<<name<<G4endl;}

	if (name=="gamma"){
		radiationfactor = 1.0;
		//			G4cout<<"gamma parts"<<G4endl;
	else if (name=="e-"){
		radiationfactor = 1.0;
		//			G4cout<<"e- parts"<<G4endl;

	//		//		else if (name=="alpha"){
	//		//			radiationfactor = 20.0;
	//		//			//			G4cout<<"e- parts"<<G4endl;
	//		//		}

	else if (name=="neutron"){
		count +=1;
		if (energys< 1*MeV){
			radiationfactor = 2.5+18.2*exp(-1*(pow(log(energys),2))/6);
			//				G4cout<<"neutron 1"<<G4endl;
		else if (energys>= 1*MeV && energys <=50*MeV){
			radiationfactor = 5.0+17.0*exp(-1*(pow(log(2*energys),2))/6);
			//				G4cout<<"neutron 2"<<G4endl;
		//			G4cout<<radiationfactor<<G4endl;
	else {

	if (count!=0){
		//			G4cout<<"neutron detected"<<G4endl;
	//		G4cout<<radiationfactor<<G4endl;
	//			G4cout<<radiationfactor<<std::setw(5)<<energys<<std::setw(5)<<radiationfactor<<G4endl;
	equivalent_dose = energys*radiationfactor;
	//		G4cout<<equivalent_dose<<G4endl;
	//		G4cout<<name<<std::setw(10)<<radiationfactor<<std::setw(5)<<energys<<std::setw(5)<<equivalent_dose<<G4endl;
	G4cout << "before"<<step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()/MeV<<G4endl;
	//		step->ResetTotalEnergyDeposit();

// step->SetTotalEnergyDeposit(equivalent_dose);
G4cout << “after”<GetTotalEnergyDeposit()/MeV<<G4endl;

//		G4double equivalent_dose = step->SetTotalEnergyDeposit(energys*radiationfactor);

//	//	G4double energy_ke = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTotalEnergy();
//	//
//	G4int ptlID = step->GetTrack()->GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleDefinitionID();
//	G4cout<<name<<G4endl;
//	if (name != "gamma" || name != "neutron"){
//		theTrack->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
////		G4cout << name <<G4endl;
//	}
//	G4cout << name <<G4endl;

//	else{};
//	if (namee =="wholePhantom"){ //
//		if (energys >0.0){
//			G4cout<< cn <<G4endl;
//			//				G4cout << name<<" " <<energys<<G4endl;
//		}}

	if( checkFlag && stepCounter>=5 )
		// kill the track if the particle is stuck even after the slight move
		// (this hardly occurs)
	else if( stepCounter>=5 )
		// if a particle is at the same position (step length < 0.1 nm) for five consecutive steps,
		// slightly move (0.1 nm) the stuck particle in the direction of momentum
		theTrack->SetPosition(theTrack->GetPosition() + theTrack->GetMomentumDirection()*kCarTolerance);
else stepCounter=0;
