Impossible to track fission fragments with ENDF-VIII.0

HI everyone,

I have a code that works fine with G4NDL data to track fission products. However, when I change the value of G4NEUTRONHPDATA to point to my ENDF-VIII library, I cannot track fission product anymore.

I installed ENDF-VIII following these instructions : GEANT 4 Libraries

Did I miss something ?

G4 version :
OS : MacOs


you install the library according to G4 format?


Hello Vladimir, thanks for your help.

I didn’t do anything else that :

  • Download The ENDFVIII lib on the geant4-iaea website (link).
  • Copy the G4NDL file from IsotopeProduction etc in the ENDF folder.
  • change the value G4NEUTRONHPDATA to point in the ENDF folder.

I guess that makes the library installed in G4 format ? Neutron transport works, though

Try unzip and compare one file from G4 distribution and one file from ENDF. Do they use the same format?


With ENDF I have classic text files and with Geant4 I have *.z files (binaries) for Fission/CrossSection

I guess I missed a step ?

Ok, Actually in my ENDF-VIII fission folder, i don’t have a FF subfolder. I copy/paste the one in G4NDL and it is able to generate fissions fragments with radioactive decay.

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