I should install Geant4 on my laptop. I have a question about the simpler and more advantegeous way to do this between Windows 8.1 or Centos 7 (the last one on a virtual machine).
What do you suggest? Do you have any precise guide I can follow?
Hi ! Tools required to install and compile Geant4 on Windows are Command Prompt and Cmake’s CLI or GUI with Visual Studio. Or you can even prefer WSL as an alternative. But on any Linux distro using the Terminal you can get dependencies and compile whole software directly from it. I suggest that, If you are comfortable with CentOS and Terminal then it will be more simple to carry out tasks. If you prefer CentOS then have a look to Building and Installing from Source — Geant4 Installation Guide 11.0 documentation and If you want to go for windows installation then refer Building and Installing from Source — Geant4 Installation Guide 11.0 documentation
Hi! Thanks for your reply… Just another question: you spoke about WLS, but I read that it is not available on Windows 8.1 pro. Is it true? Otherwise, how can I install it? I have already MobaXTerm installed on my laptop.
I used WSL for geant4, however i couldn’t successfully run the exampleB1. It showed some error as given below, can you please help me in resolving this if possible.