Is there any examples about using ScoringMesh by C++ code

I see the BookForApplicationDevelopers , it only gives some examples by using ScoringMesh by command line.
Is there any examples by using C++ code, like creating user-define class.

And if I build lots of logical Volumes(by parameterization detector) with sensitive detector + scores, could I achieve the similar result.


1 And the parallel world is designed for what purpose. I thought it is for scoring mesh. but it seems not for this purpose.

2 if I define sensitive detector in parallel world, how can I get the logical Volume(in parallel world) in G4step

I try to use aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName(), but it can only get mass world’s logical Voulme.


I think I find the answer about it. If I want to get the parallel world’s information, I can define the sensitive detector in parallel world, and the ProcessHit 's G4step can give me all the information about parallel world, in these example RE01 RE02 RE03 RE04 RE05 RE06 can help us use various methods to finish out goals.

and the scoring mesh may be no need to use C++.

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