I’ve tried to simulate the perovskite layer (MAPbI3, 1cm thickness) irradiation by 5.5 MeV alpha but obtained strange niel results (extremely low niel value - about 10 keV, however, it should be about 650 keV according to papers and SR-NIEL web-calculator).
I used the next macro parameters in TestEm7 example:
/testem/det/setSizeX 1 cm
/testem/det/setSizeYZ 1 cm
/testem/phys/addPhysics standardNR
/testem/phys/addPhysics elastic
/testem/phys/addPhysics inelastic
/testem/phys/addPhysics G4IonPhysics
/run/setCut 0.5 um
/run/beamOn 100000
What is wrong? What am I supposed to add here? I’ve tried the EMZ, DNA, QBBC physics lists here as well, nevertheless, I still have got the incorrect values.
_Geant4 Version:_10.7.4
_Operating System:_Kubuntu 22.04
_Compiler/Version:_gcc 11.4
_CMake Version:_cmake 3.22.1
Thank you in advance,