Issues with alpha in the NIEL calculations

I’ve tried to simulate the perovskite layer (MAPbI3, 1cm thickness) irradiation by 5.5 MeV alpha but obtained strange niel results (extremely low niel value - about 10 keV, however, it should be about 650 keV according to papers and SR-NIEL web-calculator).
I used the next macro parameters in TestEm7 example:

/testem/det/setSizeX 1 cm
/testem/det/setSizeYZ 1 cm
/testem/phys/addPhysics standardNR
/testem/phys/addPhysics elastic
/testem/phys/addPhysics inelastic
/testem/phys/addPhysics G4IonPhysics

/run/setCut 0.5 um
/run/beamOn 100000

What is wrong? What am I supposed to add here? I’ve tried the EMZ, DNA, QBBC physics lists here as well, nevertheless, I still have got the incorrect values.

_Geant4 Version:_10.7.4
_Operating System:_Kubuntu 22.04
_Compiler/Version:_gcc 11.4
_CMake Version:_cmake 3.22.1

Thank you in advance,

The discussion is in the another thread: NIEL in aluminium target