Low values of TID using GRAS RMC

Hello All,

I’m running some GRAS Reverse simulations to get TID values, and got stuck with apparent very low values when running a simulation for GEO with a 5 years mission. My initial checkup/validation was to use the JUICE case.

In the Forward case of JUICE I got values very close to the ones I found in the JUICE example for FMC:

Target_000 = 41.719 krad
Target_001 = 41.086 krad
Target_011 = 44.847 krad
Target_111 = 45.653 krad

However, using the RMC method, I’m arriving into very low values, in the order of ~7krad. Not sure if the way I’m accessing the results is correct though. I access the root files via a root script and go to the total_dose_vs_primary_kine:

From there I get the Total Dose via the integral, with the following piece of code:

const int num_components = 4;
const char *Component[num_components];

Component[0] = "Target_000";
Component[1] = "Target_001";
Component[2] = "Target_002";
Component[3] = "Target_003";

double Components [num_components];
double Dose_TrpE  [num_components];

for(int i=0;i<num_components;i++){

  Components[i] = i+1;

  int Ntrpe,Nsolarp,Ngcrz1;
  int N1,N2;
  char File_TrpE[80],File_SolarP[80],File_GCRZ1[80];
  char File1[80],File2[80];

  Ntrpe = sprintf(File_TrpE,"%s_TrpE_JUICE_RMC.root",Component[i]);
  N1 = sprintf(File1,"Spectrum1/TID_%s_dose",Component[i]);
  N2 = sprintf(File2,"Spectrum1/TID_%s_total_dose_vs_primary_kine",Component[i]);

  TFile *ftrpe = TFile::Open(File_TrpE);
  TH1D *h1trpe, *h2trpe;
  ftrpe->GetObject(File2, h2trpe);
  Dose_TrpE[i] = h2trpe->Integral();

  cout<<Component[i]<<" = "<<1e-3*Dose_TrpE[i]<<endl;

I multiplied by 1e-3 to get in krad, since my call function was like this:
/gras/analysis/dose/addModule TID_{TargetName}
/gras/analysis/dose/TID_{TargetName}/bookTuples true
/gras/analysis/dose/TID_{TargetName}/addVolume {TargetName}
/gras/analysis/dose/TID_{TargetName}/setUnit rad

Am I doing anything wrong in this process? I checked and rechecked my source and my physics. The source I simply used the ones from the JUICE example, and set the normalization as:
/gras/analysis/adjoint/addUserDefinedPrimSpectrum e- 1.680080E+17 1/cm2 Arb

The full source file I’m using:

/gps/ene/type Arb
/gps/hist/type arb
/gps/hist/point 9.200000E-04 2.248400E+11
/gps/hist/point 1.200000E-03 1.922500E+11
/gps/hist/point 1.600000E-03 1.633400E+11
/gps/hist/point 2.100000E-03 1.383300E+11
/gps/hist/point 2.700000E-03 1.178500E+11
/gps/hist/point 3.500000E-03 9.848500E+10
/gps/hist/point 4.500000E-03 8.004300E+10
/gps/hist/point 5.900000E-03 6.136800E+10
/gps/hist/point 7.700000E-03 4.490700E+10
/gps/hist/point 1.000000E-02 3.108000E+10
/gps/hist/point 1.300000E-02 2.004000E+10
/gps/hist/point 1.700000E-02 1.195900E+10
/gps/hist/point 3.000000E-02 3.525600E+09
/gps/hist/point 6.100000E-02 1.240200E+09
/gps/hist/point 8.900000E-02 4.845400E+08
/gps/hist/point 1.300000E-01 1.592000E+08
/gps/hist/point 1.800000E-01 7.051400E+07
/gps/hist/point 2.700000E-01 2.380900E+07
/gps/hist/point 4.000000E-01 7.978200E+06
/gps/hist/point 6.100000E-01 1.832300E+06
/gps/hist/point 9.100000E-01 5.152000E+05
/gps/hist/point 1.280000E+00 1.692100E+05
/gps/hist/point 1.990000E+00 3.264700E+04
/gps/hist/point 2.440000E+00 1.324500E+04
/gps/hist/point 3.070000E+00 4.555100E+03
/gps/hist/point 3.970000E+00 1.018900E+03
/gps/hist/point 5.200000E+00 0.000000E+00

-> #Normalization
/gras/analysis/adjoint/addUserDefinedPrimSpectrum e- 1.680080E+17 1/cm2 Arb

-> #Definition of the adjoint source
/adjoint/DefineAdjSourceOnExtSurfaceOfAVolume {TargetName}
/adjoint/SetAdjSourceEmin 1.0000e-05 MeV
/adjoint/SetAdjSourceEmax 5.2000e+00 MeV

-> # Definition of the external source
#/adjoint/DefineSphericalExtSource 0 0 0 40 cm #
/adjoint/SetExtSourceEmax 5.2000e+00 MeV

And my physics:

/gras/physics/addPhysics rmc_em_standard
/gras/physics/addPhysics stopping
/adjoint_physics/SetEminForAdjointModels 1.0000e-05 MeV
/adjoint_physics/SetEmaxForAdjointModels 5.2000e+00 MeV

/adjoint_physics/UseBremsstrahlung true
/adjoint_physics/UseCompton true
/adjoint_physics/UseAdjointCompton false #default
/adjoint_physics/UseMS true
/adjoint_physics/UsePEEffect true
/adjoint_physics/UseAdjointPEEffect false #default
/adjoint_physics/UseProtonIonisation true
/adjoint_physics/SetSplittingFactorForPrimFwdGamma 10 #default
/run/setCut 1.0000e-02 mm

It’s a long message, but I figured it would be easier for anyone could can help me.

Thanks in advance.

hallo, what you version of ROOT when you compile the GRAS

Dear leonardoghizoni,
which version of GRAS are you using?
If I understand correctly you run different simulations for each target.
Since you are using only one external source, have you tried to compare the results of the “Spectrum1” with the ones that do not have Spectrum in their name? I think they should be similar.
Additionally, have you tried to see in the csv output the StatDouble result of the TID? it should be the value that interests you, so in principle you don’t need to integrate (if I understand what you are doing).

On this front (though I have to check the outputs) I think what you are looking for would be the integral of the dose spectrum or the sum of the bins of the “versus primary kinetic energy” spectrum you are working with (not the integral).

If you can provide your geometry and a complete macro file I could have a better look.