_Geant4 Version: 11.2
_Operating System: Windows - Ubuntu
Hi! Posting again in the forum.
I am having a concern regarding changing geometry in a loop.
For a Cross Section calculation I obtain a certain ratio and inside my code i want to set that if my ratio is out of my range of 30% - 50% change the width of my material and calculate it again until my ratio is inside tha range.
After this while or for loop i want to save that thickness.
Im trying to implement it in my EndOfRunAction()
void MyRunAction::EndOfRunAction(const G4Run*)
and inside EndOfRun()
void CrossRun::EndOfRun()
While (ratio < 30%)
targetWidth += 1 mm;
// My messenger command
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/detector/targetWidth " + std::to_string(thickness));
// Here is where i dont know what to do
G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->Initialize(); // ???
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/run/beamOn 1000"); // ???
I have a G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->Initialize() in my main also.
When I execute i obtain the next messages i declared
Actual ratio: 0.034205 over 1.2 mm
Loop Ratio: 0.034205
1.22 mm
/detector/targetWidth 1.220000 mm
Geometry reinitialized
Beam sent
Volume thick: 1.22
And then it stops. I think the code actualy runs /run/beamOn but do not send any particle.