Navigate Geometry: from replica number to position transformation

Dear Geant users,

I am performing a simulation using G4PSFlatSurfaceCurrent and it yields at the end of the event the collection of hits in the G4THitsMap form.
In particular, it stores couples of [replica_number, counter] values.
I applied this scorer to a G4Replica structure in order to simulate a CMOS readout geometry and to count only crossing particles.

My question is how to obtain a certain volume positioning starting from information of the replica number.

Thank you in advance

_Geant4 Version:_11.3
_Operating System:_ubuntu
_Compiler/Version:_gcc 11.4
_CMake Version:_3.22.1

Which replica structure? G4PVReplica (slide 20) orients the replica axes so that their relative (X’, Y’) is perpendicular to the replication axis and increases in Z along it. You can get the coordinates from vector algebra since everything you need you are providing in the constructor.