Nuclear processes with secondary particles

Hi In example Hadr03 it’s possible to see list of nuclear reactions but only for primary particles. Is there a way to see reactions with participation of secondary particles too ?

Yes, if you write the code …

For example this is code from Hadr03

//nuclear channel count
G4cout << “\n List of nuclear reactions: \n” << G4endl;
std::map<G4String,NuclChannel>::iterator ic;
for (ic = fNuclChannelMap.begin(); ic != fNuclChannelMap.end(); ic++) {
G4String name = ic->first;
NuclChannel data = ic->second;
G4int count = data.fCount;
G4double Q = data.fQ/count;
if (print)
G4cout << " " << std::setw(60) << name << ": " << std::setw(7) << count
<< " Q = " << std::setw(wid) << G4BestUnit(Q, “Energy”)
<< G4endl;

Tell please should I change here ?