Oblique cylinder

Hello dear users. How can I create a oblique cylinder so that its cross section does not have an angle? Like a parallelepiped with the lateral surface of the cylinder. Is there a class for this shape in geant4?

Yes, such class exists, G4CutTubs.

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thanks Mr Tcherniaev. but I’m beginner user and I don’t know what’s meaning of
"G4ThreeVector pLowNorm, //Outside normal at −Z, (0,-0.7,-0.71),
G4ThreeVector pHighNorm ) // Outside normal at +Z, (0.7,0,0.71)"
in its parameters? for example if I want to make the above figure what is pLowNorm and pHighNorm ??

G4CutTubs( const G4String& pName,
G4double pRMin, //12
G4double pRMax, //20
G4double pDz, //30
G4double pSPhi, //0
G4double pDPhi, //1.5π
G4ThreeVector pLowNorm, //Outside normal at −Z, (0,-0.7,-0.71),
G4ThreeVector pHighNorm ) // Outside normal at +Z, (0.7,0,0.71)

To understand the definition of G4CutTubs imagine an infinite hollow cylinder that has internal radius Rmin and external radius Rmax. Then the cylinder is cut by two planes:

  • first plane goes through point (0,0,Dz) and has normal Nhigh;
  • second plane goes through point (0,0,-Dz) and has normal Nlow;
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