Geant4 Version: 11.1.2
Operating System: 14.6
Compiler/Version: AppleClang
CMake Version: 3.30.1
Hi all,
I’m receiving the following visualisation error when I run my own Geant4 (v11.1.2) simulation (on mac):
/vis/open OGL 600x600-0+0
/vis/sceneHandler/create OGL
WARNING: G4VisCommandSceneHandlerCreate::SetNewValue:
Using fallback graphics system: OpenGLStoredX (OGLSX)
/vis/viewer/create ! ! 600x600-0+0
G4OpenGLXViewer::G4OpenGLXViewer: unable to get a single buffer visual.
G4OpenGLXViewer::G4OpenGLXViewer: unable to get a double buffer visual.
G4OpenGLXViewer::G4OpenGLXViewer: unable to get required visuals.
G4OpenGLStoredX::CreateViewer: error flagged by negative view id in G4OpenGLStoredXViewer creation.
Destroying view and returning null pointer.
ERROR in G4VisManager::CreateViewer: null pointer during OpenGLStoredX viewer creation.
No action taken.
***** Illegal parameter (1) </vis/open OGL 600x600-0+0> *****
I built Geant4 using cmake (v3.30.1) and the following flags:
I received the same error when I ran ./exampleB1 init_vis.mac but no error when I ran ./exampleB1. My simulation was built with the following flags:
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Also, I recently upgraded my macOS from Monterey to Sonoma 14.6. The error only arose after the update; I had no problems with the visualisations previously. Could the upgrade have caused the problem or is it something else?
Kind regards,