Hi everyone , I have Geant4 on ubuntu and I am trying to open the file scoring.root from example B3a. I write on terminal : “root -l filename.root” but I don’t know how to proceed after this . Thank you so much in advance
Try using the browser first (“root [1] Tbrowser browser1;”)?
More a question for the root forums though.
Thank you so much for your reply, I’ll try to do this.
Or just type
in ROOT session.
Hello I tried this suggestion , but terminal gives back this message:
‘‘IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol ‘_ZN5cling7runtime8internal9EvaluateTIvEET_PNS1_15DynamicExprInfoEPN5clang11DeclContextE’ unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of void cling::runtime::internal::EvaluateT(cling::runtime::internal::DynamicExprInfo*, clang::DeclContext*)
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?’’
Does someone know how to fix the error?
Thank you in advance
First of all, it seems like a ROOT problem, not Geant4. Second of all
what suggestion exactly: TBrowser
or .ls
. In either case it’s very strange that ROOT interpreter reacts in this way on such simple operation. Are you sure you installed ROOT correctly. One more time, it is a ROOT problem. Would be better to ask on ROOT forum.