I am a geant4 newbie and interested in the irradiation of multi-layer structure (7 layers with 10 um thickness) by gamma, electron and neutron to get the deposition energy and non-ionizing energy loss in each material. So, is it possible to output data (histograms, csv or anything else) from each layer? What am I supposed to do?
I’ve built the TestEm11 example, set 5 absorber layers with different materials and thiknesses. They are created and visualized on geant4 ui, however, when I run it with 100 / 1000 particles, it crushes. What am I supposed to do? What should I change in files?
I’ve seen your answer and got an idea. I’ve found the macro (multiLayers), set the materials in detector construction, and then in the macro I’ve add them.
It works for Edep, but I think that it is possible to modify the code to output the non-ionizing energy loss.
Thank you!