Physical list QBBC

Hello everyone!
I’m calculating the energy deposition and dose generated by an isotropic volume source within a detector (ionization chamber).

The radioactive source is a solution contained in a stainless steel tank, and the radioactive source is Cs-137.

Regarding the physics list, is it feasible to use the one in of particle B1 as follows:

// Physics list
G4VModularPhysicsList* physicsList = new QBBC;

or how to choose the physical list?

Depends on your primary source. If your source is just 662 keV gamma rays, than that physics list may suffice. If, however, you want to make Cs137 your source than you will certainly need decay physics and radioactive physics. Rdecay examples have good physics lists to use.

Thanks for your reply. In my code, the source is 662 keV gamma rays.


you always may use approach to define Physics List shown in $G4INSTALL/examples/extended/hadronic/Hadr01