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_Geant4 Version: 11.1.0
_Operating System: Windows 10
_Compiler/Version: Visual Studio 17.9
_CMake Version: 3.25.1
Hello everybody,
I am simulating the mass attenuation coefficient for different compounds using gamma radiation at various energy ranges.
Which physics lists should I use to ensure accurate results?
To calculate mass attenuation coefficient you must calculate as a counter of the gammas with and without target.
I = no of gammas after target
I0 = no. of gammas hitting target
You can use #include “Shielding.hh”
as it already includes “G4EmStandardPhysics_option4.hh” or else you can choose only
Do you mean I need to count number of photons reach the detector with and without the target? For example if I start with 100000 primaries this will be Io and I will be the number of gamma reaches the detector. Is that correct?
Second thing, is “Shielding.hh” is enough for low gamma energy such as 0.511 MeV?
I just want to confirm if all I need is to record the “number” of photons with and without a shielding material. Is that correct or should I record something else?
Hi again
I shoot 1000 gamma photons with 0.511 MeV to the NaI detector. The target is to count how many photons reach the detector. Every time I get 6644577 photons reach the detector.
I am attaching some of my files: (1.8 KB) (706 Bytes) (974 Bytes) (1.9 KB)
If you check example B1 then you can have an idea how you can have integrated counts in a scoring volume [detector/target/both].
Score at the end of event or at end of run via PostUserTrackingAction.
Since you are not doing any Physics for creating secondaries therefore you may opt em_op1.
PhysicsList = new G4EmStandardPhysics_option1();
Scoring …
In generating particles you can restrict it to 1 in PGA [better choice];
fParticleGun = new G4ParticleGun(1);
Add eventID when scoring.
Please look testem0 and em1 example for further understanding
I am a newcomer and would like to understand how to count the number of particles based on recorded energy deposition. Could you please explain the underlying logic?
I did not mean to hijack. I already post my own questions but still could not figure this. Since my question is related I wanted to ask also here. Maybe this can also help to question owner too I believe.