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_Geant4 Version: geant4v11.2.1
_Operating System: ubuntu22.04
_CMake Version: 3.22.1
I have a problem from rdecay02 example.The
script provides information such as energy deposition,trackID,weight and so on.I simulate the radioactive decay from Ac-227.When I print the information ,the energy deposition looks well.However,when I fill the results in histogram.Some information is lost.
# Macro file for ""
/control/verbose 1
###/control/cout/ignoreThreadsExcept 0
###/run/numberOfThreads 2
/run/verbose 1
/process/em/verbose 0
/process/had/verbose 0
# Set a very high time threshold to allow all decays to happen
/process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayTime 1.0e+60 year
/process/had/rdm/selectVolume Target
/gun/particle ion
/gun/ion 89 227
#/gun/ion 57 138
/analysis/setFileName alpha
/analysis/h1/set 0 1000 0. 10. MeV
/analysis/h1/set 1 1000 0. 10. MeV
/analysis/h1/set 2 1000 0. 10. MeV
/analysis/h1/set 3 1000 0. 10. MeV
/analysis/h1/set 4 1000 0. 10. MeV
/analysis/h1/set 5 1000 0. 10. MeV
/analysis/h1/set 6 1000 0. 10. MeV
/analysis/h1/set 7 1000 0. 10. MeV
/analysis/h1/set 8 1000 0. 3. MeV
/analysis/h1/set 9 1000 0. 3. MeV
/run/printProgress 100
/run/beamOn 1000
Below is the code snippet and result of my output information.
G4int iVol = 0;
if (lVolume == fDetector->GetLogicTarget()) iVol = 1;
if (lVolume == fDetector->GetLogicDetector()) iVol = 2;
// count processes
const G4StepPoint* endPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint();
const G4VProcess* process = endPoint->GetProcessDefinedStep();
run->CountProcesses(process, iVol);
G4String processName = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName();
//if(iVol == 1) G4cout << " step in laBr : "<< processName <<G4endl;
// else if(iVol == 2) G4cout << " step in CsI : "<< processName <<G4endl;
// energy deposit
G4double edepStep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit(); // Get Energy
if (edepStep <= 0.) return;
G4double time = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime();
G4double weight = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetWeight();
G4Track* trackStep = aStep->GetTrack();
G4int trackNum = trackStep->GetTrackID();
G4String particleID = aStep->GetTrack()->GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName();
if(iVol == 1) {
G4cout << " particle ID : " << particleID << "\t"
<< " trackID : " << trackNum << "\t"
<< " energy Deposition : " << edepStep <<"\t"
<< " weight : "<<weight <<"\t"
<< G4endl;
fEventAction->AddEdep(iVol, edepStep, time, weight);
G4WT11 > particle ID : alpha trackID : 74 energy Deposition : 6.81905 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : Po215 trackID : 73 energy Deposition : 0.127057 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : alpha trackID : 76 energy Deposition : 7.386 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : Pb211 trackID : 75 energy Deposition : 0.140247 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : e- trackID : 79 energy Deposition : 0.0695136 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : Bi211[831.960] trackID : 77 energy Deposition : 6.7096e-07 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : e- trackID : 83 energy Deposition : 0.0123528 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : e- trackID : 82 energy Deposition : 0.0362911 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : Bi211[404.866] trackID : 80 energy Deposition : 4.64148e-07 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : gamma trackID : 88 energy Deposition : 0.001556 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : e- trackID : 90 energy Deposition : 0.218489 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : e- trackID : 89 energy Deposition : 0.184821 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : Bi211 trackID : 87 energy Deposition : 4.17116e-07 weight : 1
G4WT11 > particle ID : alpha trackID : 92 energy Deposition : 6.62216 weight : 1
Below is the code snippet from
void EventAction::AddEdep(G4int iVol, G4double edep,
G4double time, G4double weight)
// initialize t0
if (fTime0 < 0.) fTime0 = time;
// out of time window ?
const G4double TimeWindow (100*nanosecond);
if (std::fabs(time - fTime0) > TimeWindow) return;
if (iVol == 1) { fEdep1 += edep; fWeight1 += edep*weight;}
if (iVol == 2) { fEdep2 += edep; fWeight2 += edep*weight;}
void EventAction::EndOfEventAction(const G4Event* event)
G4AnalysisManager* analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();
G4double Etot = fEdep1 + fEdep2;
G4double Wtot = (fWeight1 + fWeight2)/Etot;
//G4cout << "fEdep1 : " <<fEdep1 << "\t" << " fWeight1 : " <<fWeight1 <<G4endl;
// pulse height in target
if (fEdep1 > 0.) {
fWeight1 /= fEdep1;
analysisManager->FillH1(0, fEdep1,fWeight1);
// pulse height in detector
if (fEdep2 > 0.) {
fWeight2 /= fEdep2;
analysisManager->FillH1(2, fEdep2, fWeight2);
// total
analysisManager->FillH1(2, Etot, Wtot);
analysisManager->AddNtupleRow();// must have
// threshold in target and detector
const G4double Threshold1(10*keV), Threshold2(10*keV);
//coincidence, anti-coincidences
G4bool coincidence = ((fEdep1 >= Threshold1) && (fEdep2 >= Threshold2));
G4bool anti_coincidence1 = ((fEdep1 >= Threshold1) && (fEdep2 < Threshold2));
G4bool anti_coincidence2 = ((fEdep1 < Threshold1) && (fEdep2 >= Threshold2));
if (coincidence) analysisManager->FillH1(3, fEdep2, fWeight2);
if (anti_coincidence1) analysisManager->FillH1(4, fEdep1, fWeight1);
if (anti_coincidence2) analysisManager->FillH1(5, fEdep2, fWeight2);
// pass energies to Run
Run* run = static_cast<Run*>(
run->AddEdep (fEdep1, fEdep2);