qT error while launching an interactive session


I have been running into two errors while launching interactive sessions with my model to check the geometry or the trajectories, as shown in the image below:

The error does not prevent me from running the session, but it generates “discontinuities” in the textbox that make reading the information shown bothersome, and it makes displacing the text shown to the actual bottom impossible.


I downloaded qT while installing Geant4 by using the -DGEANT4_USE_QT=ON command (version 5.12.8) and I run Geant4 in the WSL Ubuntu 20.04. I don’t remember this error actually occurring in a previous installation on the same system.

I am fairly new to Object Oriented Programming so I ask if anyone could help me make the interactive sessions less of a headache. I am sorry if this question has been asked already, but I haven’t found any related thread.

It’s interesting that you say, “I don’t remember this error actually occurring in a previous installation on the same system.” All the same, I suspect it is something to do with your WSL Ubuntu installation and the Qt installation.

I suggest: re-install the latest version of Qt for Ubuntu. Then rebuild everything from scratch, following our Installation Guide.

This looks like an installation issue - nothing to do with Object Oriented Programming.