Rotation simulation

Dear all,

  • I’m simulation a source cell that rotates around the focus point. My idea is to generate 360 position files and 360 GPS files. I have done. Named GPS30[i].in and MachineAngle[i].in with i =0 ->359

  • The next step, I create the runloop.mac file:

/control/loop simulation.mac runID 0 359

and the simulation.mac file:

/run/numberOfThreads 40
/gammaknife/loadAngles MachineAngle[{runID}].in
/gammaknife/helmetSize 18
/control/execute GPS30[{runID}].in
/run/printProgress 1
/run/beamOn 1000000
  • There are a few problems below:
  1. After each run loop [i+1], the GPS source still has the old GPS sources from [i] the previous run loop. How to clear the GPS source declaration value after each run to initialize a new GPS source for the new run.
    Here is my GPS[0].in file
### Source number 1 ###

/gps/source/intensity 1
/gps/ene/type Mono
/gps/ene/mono 1.33 MeV
/gps/particle gamma
/gps/pos/type Volume
/gps/pos/shape Cylinder
/gps/pos/centre 0.0 0.0 38.42 cm
/gps/pos/radius 1.35 mm
/gps/pos/halfz 14.5 mm
/gps/pos/rot1 -0.00683649 -0.104305 -0.994522
/gps/pos/rot2 0.997859 -0.0654031 0
/gps/ang/rot1 -0.00683649 -0.104305 -0.994522
/gps/ang/rot2 0.997859 -0.0654031 0
/gps/ang/type iso
/gps/ang/mintheta 3 deg
/gps/ang/maxtheta 0 deg

/gps/source/add 1
/gps/ene/type Mono
/gps/ene/mono 1.17 MeV
/gps/particle gamma
/gps/pos/type Volume
/gps/pos/shape Cylinder
/gps/pos/centre 0.0 0.0 38.42 cm
/gps/pos/radius 1.35 mm
/gps/pos/halfz 14.5 mm
/gps/pos/rot1 -0.00683649 -0.104305 -0.994522
/gps/pos/rot2 0.997859 -0.0654031 0
/gps/ang/rot1 -0.00683649 -0.104305 -0.994522
/gps/ang/rot2 0.997859 -0.0654031 0
/gps/ang/type iso
/gps/ang/mintheta 3 deg
/gps/ang/maxtheta 0 deg
  1. After I read the rotation file to create the geometry for the source, is it possible to re-initialize it with the /run/initialize command?