Scattering Model FFTP_BERT

_Geant4 Version:_11.2.2
_Operating System:_Ubunutu 24
_Compiler/Version: 12.4
_CMake Version: 3.28


I have setup a simple multiple scattering simulations using the FFTP_BERT physics model for msc. I saw online that this used the highland theory of multiple scattering.

I am trying to fit my data from the simulations using this model, but the results seem to differ quite largely.

Is there any tips or comments someone could suggest to troubleshoot?



in reality the Urban model is more complicate than the Highland formula. we have basically two models for each particle type. The default is in FTFP_BERT, more accurate in FTFP_BERT_EMZ. Comparisons with the data show reasonable agreement but not ideal in all cases.


Thanks for the reply. I noticed that there was an issue with my interpretation when I initially posted this. I am actually simulating muons for my setup. I noticed that the WENTZELVI model is used for muons. I have done some literature reviews to better understand this setup, but a big impedance is that this original paper is in German.

It seemed like Wentzel uses the same cross section as Rossi, is it valid to use Rossi scattering theory for the comparison? I guess I am just trying to better understand how geant is applying models to the simulations.