Secondary electron emission from Au

_Geant4 Version: 11.1.1
_Operating System:Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Hi all,

I am trying to simulate the secondary electron emission from 300 keV e-beam irradiated Au microparticle using EmLivermore. But it could’t incorporate plasmon excitation below 20 eV. Because I didn’t see the plasmon peaks in the energy spectrum. I see MicroElec could be more accurate which includes plasmon and valence excitation below 50 eV. Now the questions are coming:

  1. how much secondary electron emission arising from plasmon (plasmon energy range within 10 eV)? Is it neglegible in 300keV e-beam irradiated Au microparticle (work function ~5 eV)?
  2. The mean free path of plasmon unter 300 keV is tens anstrom, is it considered that the production yield of secondary electron from plasmon is trivial?

Maybe the G4-DNA example AuNP (Geant4/example/extended/medical/dna/AuNP) could help you. This is the paper.