Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I have modified advanced example microbeam with my Confocal image, everything was alright till I wanted to visualize it. I get Segmentation fault (core dumped) error.
Can anyone help me with that?
Uploading: image.png…

To help you we need more information. G4 version, your operating system, the mac file or commands you used, a copy of the output, etc. It look like you have tried to upload image.png but it seems stuck - it says Uploading: image.png… but nothing happens. Please try again.

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Hi Allison,
Thank you for your reply. I am not using .png file. I have binarized the image and saved as .dat file (so I can change the phantom.dat file in microbeam example)
When I just change the phantom.dat file with my own image without changing any other file, I can visualize it. But as soon as I make changes in Cellparamterisan or detector construction, I get this error. I am working with VMware, G4-10.6.
ps. I haven’t added Uploading: image.png… to my msg, I don’t know where this came from and I can’t edit the msg now. sorry for the confusuion