Set spectrum as a particle source

I have the following energy spectrum, my question is how can I use this spectrum as a source

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see also examples/extended/eventgenerator/particleGun : run2
and exgps/macros/README

Thank you all.
It’s helpful

Is it also possible to do this with a particle gun?

Not using G4ParticleGun directly. You can write your own PrimaryGeneratorAction with G4ParticleGun as a data member. Write your own code to throw the energy randomly from the spectrum, and then pass that energy, a random direction, and a particle type into your G4ParticleGun data member.

Of course, GPS has that functionality, and you can configure it with any spectrum you like via macro commands, so it’s more flexible.

Recently I am learning about how to set the particle source. How do you get such a energy spectrum?