Dear Users,
I am currently trying to simulate particles energies beyond 100 TeV for space based application.
Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-01-beta-01 [MT] (30-June-2022).
I use QGSP_BERT as the physics list.
G4double minEnergy = 1 * GeV;
G4double maxEnergy = 200 * TeV;
G4double energy = minEnergy + G4UniformRand() * (maxEnergy - minEnergy);
Unfortunately, when I use particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(energy);
I face the following issues as shown below:
### Run 0 start
--> Event 0 starts.
No model found out of 3
0. Elow= 12000, Ehigh= 1e+08 QGSP
1. Elow= 3000, Ehigh= 25000 FTFP
2. Elow= 0, Ehigh= 6000 BertiniCascade
-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception : had005
issued by : G4HadronicProcess::PostStepDoIt
Target element Ca Z= 20 A= 40
Unrecoverable error in the method ChooseHadronicInteraction of protonInelastic
TrackID= 1 ParentID= 0 proton
Ekin(GeV)= 120615; direction= (0.794223,0.024219,-0.607144)
Position(mm)= (7.20376e+08,1.41719e+08,-1.49706e+09); material LunarSurf
PhysicalVolume <lunar_CrustPhys>
No HadronicInteraction found out
*** Fatal Exception *** core dump ***
G4Track (0x351376a70) - track ID = 1, parent ID = 0
Particle type : proton - creator process : not available
Kinetic energy : 120.615 TeV - Momentum direction : (0.794223,0.024219,-0.607144)
Step length : 3.39071 cm - total energy deposit : 17.1894 MeV
Pre-step point : (7.20376e+08,1.41719e+08,-1.49706e+09) - Physical volume : lunar_CrustPhys (LunarSurf)
- defined by : hIoni - step status : 4
Post-step point : (7.20376e+08,1.41719e+08,-1.49706e+09) - Physical volume : lunar_CrustPhys (LunarSurf)
- defined by : protonInelastic - step status : 4
*** Note: Step information might not be properly updated.
-------- EEEE -------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***
Could you kindly help me out to solve this issue?
Thank you in advance.