SteppingAction: if clause with time condition not working when asking for target particle

Hello everyone,
I found a code piece in the forum (Can we know which atom the deposited energy is deposited on - #3 by mkelsey) on how to get the target particle interacted with by a primary. Now I want to set a time condition of 250ns global time for the process:

if (step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime() < 250*CLHEP::ns) {
    G4StepPoint* post = step->GetPostStepPoint();
    const G4VProcess* proc = (post ? post->GetProcessDefinedStep() : 0);
    const G4HadronicProcess* had = dynamic_cast<const G4HadronicProcess*>(proc);
    G4HadronicProcess* had2 = const_cast <G4HadronicProcess*> (had);
    const G4Isotope* target = (had2 ? had2->GetTargetIsotope() : 0);
    if (target) {
        E_DeltaStep = step->GetDeltaEnergy();
        const G4String targetname = target->GetName();
        int result_C12 = std::strcmp(targetname, "C12" );
        if (result_C12 == 0) {

However, this does not work. Also events that take longer than 250ns for example neutron capture can be seen in the spectrum. Which is not the case if I only write down the energy spectrum after the time condition (without the target loop). Has anyone an idea why the time condition does not work in this case?
Also I wonder: If I use GetTotalEnergyDeposit instead of GetDeltaEnergy I always get E=0 values for those steps entering the target loop. That’s why I use Delta energy instead… Has anyone an idea why this happens?
I think there might be an Important part of the simulation procedure which I don’t fully understand, so I am very happy for all input.

Thank you for taking the time reading this I greatly appreciate any comments!!

not sure about the step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime(), maybe you need


instead? Your way filters for stuff that starts before 250ns global time, but if the process/step itself extends across the 250ns boundary, it will still be valid. Or is that exactly what you intend?

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Hi thanks for your reply!! Unfortunately this changes nothing and the odd thing is that if I ask for the energy outside the target loop I get the correct energy spectrum with the time cut applied:

if (step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime() < 250*CLHEP::ns) {
    G4StepPoint* post = step->GetPostStepPoint();
    const G4VProcess* proc = (post ? post->GetProcessDefinedStep() : 0);
    const G4HadronicProcess* had = dynamic_cast<const G4HadronicProcess*>(proc);
    G4HadronicProcess* had2 = const_cast <G4HadronicProcess*> (had);
    const G4Isotope* target = (had2 ? had2->GetTargetIsotope() : 0);
 fEventAction->AddEnergy(E_DeltaStep); // this Energy has time cut included
    if (target) {
        E_DeltaStep = step->GetDeltaEnergy();
        const G4String targetname = target->GetName();
        int result_C12 = std::strcmp(targetname, "C12" );
        if (result_C12 == 0) {
            fEventAction->AddEC12(E_DeltaStep); // this spectrum also shows steps that take longer than 250ns 

E_DeltaStep is not defined at that point, yet?!

yes sorry in the original code I defined it at the beginning of the stepping actions and I just inserted it somewhere here to keep the code short. And I must correct my previous statement. Both spectra AddEnergy and AddEC12 have the weird neutron capture energies in it. When I said that outside the target loop I get the correct spectrum it was not correct both spectra are weirdly not affected by the time cut. Is it maybe a problem using GetDeltaEnergy? I would rather use TotalEnergyDeposit but it gives 0 every time if I use it in AddEC12 instead of DeltaEnergy … But Why?

can you maybe test what the value of step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime() is for the events that are recorded in that code snippet?

it looks just the same :confused:

just to get it right: the time value is indeed smaller than 250ns, but the energy delta is a value that you would only expect for times > 250ns?

Yes. That is my problem :confused: