Strange LET behaviour using G4EmCalculator

Dear Geant4’s users,

For my study, I need the LET (linear energy transfert) for all ions in different materials. Earlier, I discovered the tool “G4EmCalculator” and I decided to compare it with SRIM to evaluate the precision of the tool.

For huges Z ions, I figured out a strange behaviour, like non-physical results. As you can see on this picture, there is a discontinuity that I don’t understand.


Note that I don’t point out the differences between Geant4 and SRIM but only the discontinuity. I’m using “G4EmStandard” physic list and Geant4 version 11.2.0. Can someone explain me where come from this discountinuity ?

which option you looking in G4EmStandard ?


Like the most standard options. I didn’t change anything in the options