Please fill out the following information to help in answering your question, and also see tips for posting code snippets. If you don’t provide this information it will take more time to help with your problem!
_Geant4 Version:_Geant4.11.2.2
_Operating System:_Ubuntu22.04
_Compiler/Version:Visual Studio Code 1.93.1
OS: Linux x64 6.8.0-40-generic snap
_CMake Version:_3.22.1
Thank you for your link. this is a simple solution to fix the problem.
But I saw a phonomenon thant the Visual Display is flashing and display black screen. Then we find one solution to address the phonomenon, operation as follows:
need to find /etc/gdm3/custom.conf, modify the “#WaylandEnable=false” into “WaylandEnable=false”, then input"sudo systemctl restart gdm3" in the terminal.
By the above operation, we will fix the Visual proble. I hope to help people who have encountered such problems.