The photoelectric effect happens, but can't find it

hello. everyone!
I study the interaction between gamma photons and NaI.
In my SteppingAction I want to print the physical process of gamma and the source of electrons.

  1. auto particleName = fParticleDef->GetParticleName();
  2. if (fParticleDef == G4Gamma::GammaDefinition())
  3. {
  4. const G4VProcess* process = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep();
  5. G4String processName = " UserLimit";
  6. if (process) { processName = process->GetProcessName(); }
  7.     G4cout << "*Gamma - Process:  " << processName  << G4endl;
  8. }
  9. else if (particleName == “e-”)
  10. {
  11. G4String creatorName = "User";
  12. auto CreatorProcess = step->GetTrack()->GetCreatorProcess();
  13. if (CreatorProcess) { creatorName = CreatorProcess->GetProcessName(); }
  14. G4cout << "* - ElectronProcess:  " << creatorName <<  G4endl;
  15. }

in the print results of "Gamma - Process " there are Transportation, compt, Rayl, but without “phot”.
However, in the print results of "
- ElectronProcess: " there are “phot”, “compt” and “eIoni”.

The photoelectric effect does happen, why can’t I get it through the physical process of gamma photon. :roll_eyes:

hm, that is weird. have you tried with enough sample size to be sure it does not occur?
quick test shows this:

G4WT0 > *Gamma - Process:  compt
G4WT2 > *Gamma - Process:  phot
G4WT0 > *Gamma - Process:  compt
G4WT2 > * - ElectronProcess:  phot
G4WT0 > *Gamma - Process:  compt
G4WT2 > * - ElectronProcess:  phot
G4WT0 > *Gamma - Process:  CoupledTransportation
G4WT2 > * - ElectronProcess:  phot

in particular, these two are in the same thread and right after another (so it presumably is the electron originating from the photoelectric effect, where the gamma is destroyed):

G4WT2 > *Gamma - Process:  phot
G4WT2 > * - ElectronProcess:  phot
Code Snippet
    G4Track *track = aStep->GetTrack();
    const G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition = track->GetParticleDefinition();
    if (particleDefinition == G4Gamma::GammaDefinition()) {
        const G4VProcess* process = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep();
        G4String processName = " UserLimit";
        if (process) { processName = process->GetProcessName(); }
        G4cout << "*Gamma - Process:  " << processName  << G4endl;
    else if (particleDefinition == G4Electron::ElectronDefinition())
        G4String creatorName = "User";
        auto CreatorProcess = aStep->GetTrack()->GetCreatorProcess();
        if (CreatorProcess) { creatorName = CreatorProcess->GetProcessName(); }
        G4cout << "* - ElectronProcess:  " << creatorName <<  G4endl;

Thank you for your reply!
I just tried changing the particle gun energy, changing the physics list, but “phot” still did not appear.
Maybe I should take another look at Geant4’s example and compare the difference between my project and the Geant4 example.

Thanks again!

I noticed that you filter for gamma by comparing fParticleDef == G4Gamma::GammaDefinition() but the electron with particleName == "e-"
→ could it be that fParticleDef was changed to be the electron already when the snippet is executet? In my tests I obtained the ParticleDefinition from the track directly!

Hi,weller. Thanks for your help. Finally, I found my mistake based on your reply.
Before this snippet, there was a sentence

  1. G4Track* aTrack = step->GetTrack();
  2. if (aTrack->GetTrackStatus() != fAlive) { return; }

It caused the problem, after removing it, the problem was solved.

Thanks again!

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