_Geant4 Version: 11.0.2
_Operating System: windows 11
_Compiler/Version: Visual studio
My understanding is that the step size of a simulation is just how frequently the various cross-sections are evaluation for the interaction. To me a smaller step size could result in inaccuracies occurring at material boundaries but I don’t understand why it would change the total energy deposition occurring in a large homogenous region.
For example, I have made a simulation using G4PVParameterised in which I have a large volume of lead 100010001000 pixels with each pixel being 0.1mm wide. I simulate 10 20keV photons from the centre of this cube and sum up the total amount of energy deposition that occurs using G4PSEnergyDeposit3D.
When I have the maximum stepsize in the volume limited to 0.001mm I observe the total energy deposition as being 0.2MeV as expected, but when I increase the maximum step size to 0.01mm then I observe less than 0.2MeV being deposited.
Assuming this is indeed intended behaviour can anyone explain why this changes the total energy deposition? I would expect the result to be the same total energy deposition but for the spatial resolution lower.
Thanks in advance for the help