Total energy deposited in sensitive detector dependant on step size

_Geant4 Version: 11.0.2
_Operating System: windows 11
_Compiler/Version: Visual studio

My understanding is that the step size of a simulation is just how frequently the various cross-sections are evaluation for the interaction. To me a smaller step size could result in inaccuracies occurring at material boundaries but I don’t understand why it would change the total energy deposition occurring in a large homogenous region.

For example, I have made a simulation using G4PVParameterised in which I have a large volume of lead 100010001000 pixels with each pixel being 0.1mm wide. I simulate 10 20keV photons from the centre of this cube and sum up the total amount of energy deposition that occurs using G4PSEnergyDeposit3D.
When I have the maximum stepsize in the volume limited to 0.001mm I observe the total energy deposition as being 0.2MeV as expected, but when I increase the maximum step size to 0.01mm then I observe less than 0.2MeV being deposited.

Assuming this is indeed intended behaviour can anyone explain why this changes the total energy deposition? I would expect the result to be the same total energy deposition but for the spatial resolution lower.

Thanks in advance for the help

There might be the effect of Geant4 dropping the track upon certain energy levels (too low), and the dropping may occur too soon. Your energies are very low in general; that is the reason for the guess.

Thank you Phirippu!

If it is a matter of the energy being too low then shouldn’t this be more influenced by cut values/ energy ranges? What is the best way to make sure that a track is not abandoned without depositing its energy?

In general I guess I am a bit surprised that the simulation would drop a track without depositing the remaining energy and am not entirely sure why this would be dependant on the step size rather than energy ranges. Any help would be really appreciated!

You can try to

  • make a record for each step to see when the track is stopped and how.
  • adjust cuts if applicable
    This must give a better picture of the issue. You can also try on a single volume or fewer volumes, as the issue may be connected to insufficient memory for the hit history or something similar.