Visualisation options included when using pre-compiled version for Windows


Due to constraints on a work PC the only way we’ve been able to install Geant4 is as version 10.5 using the pre-compiled installer for windows.

However when doing this, at no point do you have the option to set any of the installation variables e.g. -DGEANT4_USE_QT=ON.

Does anyone know what is and isn’t set using the pre-compiled version? Or if there is a way or changing these to ON after installation?

Finally if there are only a number of GUIs that can be used with the pre-compiled version and Qt isn’t one of them, can anyone tell me which is the most useful?



The only drivers installed by the pre-compiled packages are those that don’t require external libraries, so DAWN/HepRep/VRML/RayTracer/gMocren. The others can’t be enabled after install without building from source.

Depending on your use case, RayTracer may be the most convenient as it can output JPG images. Don’t hesitate to ask in the Visualisation forum if you need more in-depth answers!