Visualization affected by QObject::connect missing signals

Dear G4 experts,

I get the following message when using sequential mode.

Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome.
Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.

QObject::connect: No such signal QTabWidget::tabCloseRequested(G4int)
QObject::connect: No such signal QTabWidget::currentChanged(G4int)
QObject::connect: No such signal QTabWidget::currentChanged(G4int)
QObject::connect: No such signal QComboBox::activated(G4int)

I can see my visualization, but at some point everything jam and my computer’ screen freezes. I then must force shutting down the computer to get back to work…

Any possible solutions?

Thank you in advance,

Some useful infos:
Using Qt version 5.15.3
Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

I succeeded to solve the warning part related to the use of Wayland.

I added the line :
WaylandEnable=false to /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
After restarting; X11 is taking control.

However, the QObjects part still perciste.
Therefore, I can’t acces to UI through my visualization.

Thank you for your suggestions!

Hi Younes

It’s good now you have some success with X11. But strange you no longer get the Qt GUI. What cmake options did you specify?

I’m afraid I have no experience of Ubuntu, with or without Wayland. There have been issues with Wayland before–have you searched the Forum?


Hi John,

I’m specifying the following cmake options:>


Yes, I’ve searched the Forum but unfortunately nothing worked for me.

Best regards,

PS: I believe that geant4 is not yet compatible with Ubuntu 22, I’m willing to downgrade to Ubuntu 20.04.

Your cmake options look OK.


I’ve formatted my computer. I can now play with my visualization without any problem.

However, the QObject message still pop up.

QObject::connect: No such signal QTabWidget::tabCloseRequested(G4int)
QObject::connect: No such signal QTabWidget::currentChanged(G4int)
QObject::connect: No such signal QTabWidget::currentChanged(G4int)
QObject::connect: No such signal QComboBox::activated(G4int)

Any ideas about the origin of these lines please share them.

Best regards,

Hi Younes

I think this issue is fixed in the next release. It’s annoying but I think it does not seriously affect behaviour.


P.S. Great you’re running OK again. What exactly does it mean, “formatted my computer”?

Hello John,
Yes, I can confirm this.

Still, the user interface was affected for my Ubuntu 22. After several builds; I think the issue is related to software version compatibility.

By formatting my computer, I meant erasing all data and doing a clean install. I’m now using Ubuntu 20 as my Linux operating system.

Best regards,