Hello, good day everyone. In the Dicom example, when I print the density associated with each voxel on the screen, some of them show a density equal to zero, but they still register dose and deposited energy. Is this possible? Attached is part of the output:
Voxel | Dose | Edep | Material | Density
0 0 0 Air 0
1 0 0 Air 0
2 0 0 Air 0
3 2.03809e-09 0.00076953 Air 0
4 2.53917e-09 0.000958723 Air 0
5 0 0 Air 0
6 0 0 Air 0
7 0 0 Air 0
8 4.90349e-09 0.00185143 Air 0
9 0 0 Air 0
10 0 0 Air 0
11 0 0 Air 0
12 0 0 Air 0
13 0 0 Air 0.01204
14 7.19753e-09 0.0027176 Air 0.0110367
15 0 0 Air 0.0110367
16 0 0 Air 0.01204
17 0 0 Air 0.0100333
18 0 0 Air 0.0100333
19 0 0 Air 0.0110367
20 0 0 Air 0.00802667
21 3.98354e-10 0.000150408 Air 0.00802667
Hi @JoseLuis044
Please, I would like to do almost the same thing: calculate the dose deposited in a specific organ composed of several voxels. However, I can’t figure out how to determine all the voxels of this organ and in which part I have to put its voxels in order to get the dose deposited in them. Could you please help and guide me?
I really appreciate your help, sir
Hi, well, to be honest, I haven’t done something similar because I am focusing on the total phantom, not on a specific organ but on the entire image. I’ve been using the application for a month and I can say that I’ve made considerable progress and I understand it. I know it’s possible to focus on a single organ or voxels and not all of them, but I haven’t done it; I read something about it in the Read.me. I’m sorry I can’t help you specifically with that. If you need anything else, I will be happy to help. Here’s an extract from the documentation that deals with this topic. "—>13) Partial phantom
It is possible to create a partial phantom, that is the intersection of a phantom with a volume. You may define the volume with the command
/dicom/intersectWithUserVolume 0. 0. 0. 45.*deg 0. 0. TUBE 0. 150. 100.
where the first three arguments are its position, its second three arguments are the rotation around the global X, Y and Z axis and the rest of the parameters are the same that you use to build a solid using the ASCII geometry format
Alternatively you can intersect the phantom with an existing Geant4 volume with the command
/dicom/intersectWithG4Volume VOLUME_NAME
The job will create an ASCII file names “phantom.g4pdcm” containing the partial phantom. To read this file all what is needed is to set the enviromental variable DICOM_PARTIAL_PARAM to 1"
Thank you Mr @JoseLuis044 for your answers
i’ll traying that.
Can you tell me the method if I want to have the dose in the whole slice, because I managed to introduce the CT images of my phantom and I launch my beam but when I run the example, the results of the dicom.out file is not changed it contains the native results of the example
I leave you my email here, I think communication will be easier there, I can also share some codes with you. jgomez5@us.es
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Thank you very much sir, I have already sent you an email, please check your mailbox when you are available, thank you.