Thanks for all Geant4 expert community members.
Now I am trying to simulate the 10 mCi Cf-252 source and track the secondary particle in a sensitive detector geometry.
To acheive it, I have changed the neutronsource example code and have used.
Unfortunately, as many of you might know, the number of primary particle is corresponding with the number of nucleus in the real material and the limitation for the /run/beamOn is set by the Integer system.
Furthermore, the half-life of Cf-252 is about 2.645 years.
So, If I want to measure the decay time distribution between 0 to 10 hr of 10 mCi Cf-252 source, the needed number of run should be 1.55 * 10^14.
Since each run with 2E9 Cf-252 particles took a 1500 s in real time, to estimated time for simulation would be 2 years in real time.
To avoid this problem, I want to artificially change the decay constant of Cf-252.
So I tried to change the decay constant by using the SetDecayRate in G4Activation.
However, the globaltime distribution of secondary particles were not changed.
Is there any effective way to change the decay constant of Cf-252 source?
Again, Thank you for all of Geant4 expert community.
Geant4 Version: 11.2.2
Operating System: Windows
Compiler/Version: Microsoft visual studio 2022
CMake Version: 3.28.0