Weight greater then 1 after implementing Biasing

Hello Everyone,
I’m using ext/biasing/GB01 example, as a startup, I’m very new to VRT in geant4. I want to enhance hadElastic and protonInelastic process in 310 nm Si target. I have a few questions
G4WT0 > ### Run 0 starts on worker thread 0.
G4WT0 > → Event 0 starts with initial seeds (13049039,61775110).
G4WT0 > Event ID: 67737, Process: Transportation, Weight: 3.91271, Energy deposit: 7.17375e-06 MeV, Volume Name: 28
G4WT0 > Event ID: 67737, Process: undefined, Weight: 3.91271, Energy deposit: 0 MeV, Volume Name: 28
G4WT0 > Event ID: 67737, Process: msc, Weight: 3.91271, Energy deposit: 0 MeV, Volume Name: 28

  1. I see weight w>1, I think it should w<=1. as all primary have w=1.
  2. How can the Transportation process deposit energy? Isn’t Transportation only for transporting particles without interaction?
  3. what is the difference between Transportation and CoupledTransportation?
  4. and guide me on how can I enhance hadElastic and protonInelastic processes, I think it bais every process.
