Hello Everyone,
I’m using ext/biasing/GB01 example, as a startup, I’m very new to VRT in geant4. I want to enhance hadElastic and protonInelastic process in 310 nm Si target. I have a few questions
G4WT0 > ### Run 0 starts on worker thread 0.
G4WT0 > → Event 0 starts with initial seeds (13049039,61775110).
G4WT0 > Event ID: 67737, Process: Transportation, Weight: 3.91271, Energy deposit: 7.17375e-06 MeV, Volume Name: 28
G4WT0 > Event ID: 67737, Process: undefined, Weight: 3.91271, Energy deposit: 0 MeV, Volume Name: 28
G4WT0 > Event ID: 67737, Process: msc, Weight: 3.91271, Energy deposit: 0 MeV, Volume Name: 28
- I see weight w>1, I think it should w<=1. as all primary have w=1.
- How can the Transportation process deposit energy? Isn’t Transportation only for transporting particles without interaction?
- what is the difference between Transportation and CoupledTransportation?
- and guide me on how can I enhance hadElastic and protonInelastic processes, I think it bais every process.