Hi Dr Vladimir Ivantchenko and everyone,
Now I’m studying Uranium passing through in Olivine crystal in geant4 with energy of 10MeV/n ,50MeV/n and 100MeV/n. and with the Origin software I make the graph of number of electrons depend on the energies.
I used codes in physicslist.cc
void PhysicsList::SetCuts()
if (verboseLevel>0)
{ G4cout<< “PhysicsList::SetCuts;”;
G4cout << "CutLength : " <<G4BestUnit(defaulfCutValue,“Length”) << G4endl;
G4ProductionCutsTable :: GetProductionCutsTable()->
SetEnergyRange(10.*eV,1.*GeV); // SetEnergyRange(lowedge,highedge);
SetCutValue(fCutForGamma, “gamma”);
SetCutValue(fCutForElectron, " e-");
SetCutValue(fCutForPositron, “e+”);
SetCutValue(fCutForProton, “Proton”);
if (verboseLevel>0){DumpCutValuesTable(); }
and I already tried to change the value in lowedge SetEnergyRange - 100eV,50eV,10eV and highedge is not change ( 1 GeV).
So I got the graph in below:
In the graph of 10MeV/n is ok but for 50MeV/n and 100 MeV/n the middle of graph was jumped. why?I think that according to the process of physics , the graph will be slowing down .right? Why suddenly in the middle of graph is jump double times? It is because of geant4 software or something ??
with best regards,