Wrong de/dx for 48Ti on Au

_Geant4 Version:_11.1.0
_Operating System:_Ubuntu 22.04.3
Compiler/Version: gcc 11.4.0

i have found that de/dx data for 48Ti penetrated Au is kind of incorrect with forward code:

G4EmCalculator calc;
    G4NistManager* man = G4NistManager::Instance();
    G4Material* material = man->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Au");
    G4ParticleDefinition* recoildefinition;
    G4IonTable* ito = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIonTable();
    int Z = 22;
    int A = 48;
    recoildefinition = ito->GetIon(Z, A);

    size_t N = 20;
    double lowE = 1./100*48;
    double highE = 1.*48;
    std::ofstream file;
    file.open("48TiAu.csv", std::ios_base::app);
    for(unsigned i = 0; i <= N; ++i){
        double KinE = log(lowE) + i*(log(48) - log(48./100))/N;
        auto dEdX = calc.GetDEDX(exp(KinE), recoildefinition, material);
        file << exp(KinE)/A << " " << dEdX << std::endl;

For example i did several tests with 48Ti on Ag, Al, C, Ge, Ti and they was fine. The full obtained data attached
48TiGe.txt (345 Bytes)
48TiC.txt (344 Bytes)
48TiAu.txt (434 Bytes)
48TiAl.txt (347 Bytes)
48TiAg.txt (345 Bytes)
48TiTi.txt (348 Bytes)