Wrong mass of kaon+?

Dear experts,

The following error is causing some detector simulations to fail,

------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception : DECAY003
      issued by : G4Decay::DoIt
Can not determine decay channel for kaon+
  mass of dynamic particle: 0.000205697 (GEV)
  dacay table has 6 entries
0: BR 0.6355, IsOK? 0, --> mu+ + nu_mu
1: BR 0.2066, IsOK? 0, --> pi+ + pi0
2: BR 0.0559, IsOK? 0, --> pi+ + pi+ + pi-
3: BR 0.0507, IsOK? 0, --> pi0 + e+ + nu_e
4: BR 0.0335, IsOK? 0, --> pi0 + mu+ + nu_mu
5: BR 0.01761, IsOK? 0, --> pi+ + pi0 + pi0

I noticed that the mass of the kaon is lower than expected, is that ok?

Thank you for your time.



It seems that Geant4 allows to inject primary particles with masses inconsistent with PDG. Here it may be found an example of creating an electron with mass 10 GeV.

The original error was caused by injecting into the simulation kaon+ with mass smaller than the mass of the daughters in all the 6 decay modes.

Would it be advisable to throw a non-fatal exception in case a primary particle with mass different from PDG is injected into the simulation?

Thank you for your time.
