Wrong result after loop for probe

I loop a .mac file such as:

/run/numberOfThreads 4
/control/verbose 0
/control/loop edep.mac runID 0 4

edep.mac is showing under:

/run/numberOfThreads 4
/score/create/probe Probes_{runID} 5. cm
/score/probe/locate 0. -50. 1600. mm
/score/quantity/volumeFlux volFlux

/analysis/h1/create volFlux_{runID} Probes_{runID}_volFlux  1000 0.1 700. keV ! log
/score/fill1D {runID}  Probes_{runID}  volFlux


/run/verbose 0
/run/beamOn 10000

/score/dumpAllQuantitiesToFile Probes_{runID} volFlux Probes_{runID} .csv

i added the following to my RunAction::BeginofRunAction
auto analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();

and the following to RunAction::EndofRunAction
auto analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();

After loop, i can get some file named Probes_0/Probes_1/Probes_2/Probes_3/Probes_4.
And i get a .root file,which contain five histos, all five histos show the same entry which is the result of Probes_4.

i want get five differents histo for five Probe( Probes_0~Probes_4),

Any suggestion to fix this problem, please?
Thank you in advance for your time.

is the whitespace marked with < > also there in the original file? should not be there…
and I would /score/close the probe before /score/fill1D, just in case…

oh, and the line should read:
/score/dumpAllQuantitiesToFile Probes_{runID} Probes_{runID}.csv

@weller sorry for my mistake for typing, i modified it below:

#/run/numberOfThreads 4

#/control/verbose 0

/score/create/probe Probes_{runID} 5. cm
#source positon 0 -50 2600 mm
/score/probe/locate 0. -50. 1600. mm
/score/quantity/volumeFlux volFlux
/analysis/h1/create volFlux_{runID} Probes_{runID}_volFlux  1000 0.1 700. keV ! log
/score/fill1D {runID}  Probes_{runID}  volFlux


/run/verbose 0
/run/beamOn 40000

/score/dumpQuantityToFile Probes_{runID} volFlux Probes_{runID}.txt