I am using the GB06 example in which I add a mesh scoring.
In this example, I modify the main (exampleGB06.cc) as follows, by adding a scoring mesh in the concrete shield:
#include "G4ScoringManager.hh"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// -- Construct the run manager : MT or sequential one
auto* runManager = G4RunManagerFactory::CreateRunManager();
G4ScoringManager* scoringManager = G4ScoringManager::GetScoringManager();
// -- Set mandatory initialization classes
if (macro != "") // batch mode
G4String command = "/control/execute ";
UImanager->ApplyCommand(command + macro);
else { // interactive mode : define UI session
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/control/execute vis.mac");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/score/create/boxMesh mesh");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/score/mesh/boxSize 1500 1500 2500 mm");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/score/mesh/translate/xyz 0 0 2500 mm");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/score/mesh/nBin 20 20 80");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/score/quantity/cellFlux cfluxg_");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/score/filter/particle gammaFilter gamma");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/score/quantity/cellFlux cfluxe_");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/score/filter/particle elecFilter e-");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/score/quantity/cellFlux cfluxn_");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/score/filter/particle neutronFilter neutron");
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/run/beamOn 10");
// if (ui->IsGUI())
// UImanager->ApplyCommand("/control/execute gui.mac");
delete ui;
delete visManager;
delete runManager;
return 0;
The result when having the scoring mesh is totally different, see pictures below comparing the two. It looks like if the GB06BOptnSplitAndKillByImportance::GenerateBiasingFinalState()
method is not recognizing anymore the parallelworld and then biasing is not applied.
Is there a fix to this ? Or is there something I am missing?
I have tried to slightly move the parallelworld of 1 mm in X Y Z directions but the result is the same.
Thanks and best regards.