
In the ecoil example, after placing the placement volumes within the defined regions, and assigning them a placement definition, which file can i see the final specific number( 4.63Mbp)of base pairs? In other word, how do I know that the size of a given region is 4.63Mbp?

In fact, we can see the number of pb in the geometry initialization. With by default coli.mac. we see number of bp is 2.44 Mbp (but not 4.6 Mbp) as belows. A bug has been found in this beta release and we are investigating the issue.

Base Pairs placed per chromosome:
Chromosome Base Pairs

bacteria : 2448108

I need to run like “moleculardna”
When I make a make, it appears to me as in the figure
thank you

this is because, you are running moleculardna example in a wrong geant4 version