Non-physical chord lengths with COMSOL electric field

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Geant4 Version: 10.07
Operating System: Window 11
CMake Version:

Dear all,
I am making a new post to require help with COMSOL electric field problems.
This post is following my last post “non-Uniform ElectricField from COMSOL”. It described my application.

The following code shows the way I create the non-uniform electric field.

void DetectorConstruction::ConstructSDandField()
	G4double minEps= 1.0e-4;//1.0e-5;  
    G4double maxEps= 1.0e-3;//1.0e-4;
	G4double deltainter = 0.0001*mm;
	G4double missdist = 0.1*mm;
    G4bool allLocal = true;

	G4double xOffset = 0., yOffset = 0., zOffset = 0.;
	fEMfield = new ElectricFieldSetup("RAD7_ElectricField.TABLE", xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
	equation = new G4EqMagElectricField(fEMfield);

	// select stepper
	G4int stepperType = 6;
	const int nvar = 8;

	if(nvar == 8)
		if(stepperType == 1) stepper = new G4ExplicitEuler(equation, nvar);
		if(stepperType == 2) stepper = new G4ImplicitEuler(equation, nvar);
		if(stepperType == 3) stepper = new G4SimpleRunge(equation, nvar);
		if(stepperType == 4) stepper = new G4SimpleHeum(equation, nvar);
		if(stepperType == 5) stepper = new G4ClassicalRK4(equation, nvar);
		if(stepperType == 6) stepper = new G4CashKarpRKF45(equation, nvar);
	if(nvar == 6)
		if(stepperType == 7) stepper = new G4DormandPrince745(equation, nvar);

	//G4FieldManager* fieldManager = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager(); // get global field manager
	G4FieldManager* fieldManager = new G4FieldManager(fEMfield); // get local field manager
	G4double minStep = 0.010*mm ; // minimal step of 10 microns
	G4MagInt_Driver* intgrationDriver = new G4MagInt_Driver(minStep, stepper, stepper->GetNumberOfVariables());
	G4ChordFinder* chordFinder = new G4ChordFinder(intgrationDriver);
	fieldManager->SetDeltaOneStep(0.5e-1 * mm);  //0.5e-3*mm
	logicSenVol->SetFieldManager(fieldManager, allLocal);
	//logicWorld->SetFieldManager(fieldManager, allLocal);

When I ran my application, It showed some warnings
- GeomField0003
- GeomField1001

How can I fix this warning? I appreciate any help you can provide.