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Geant4 Version: 10.07
Operating System: Window 11
CMake Version:
Dear all,
I am trying to simulate an electric field in Geant4 that uses COMSOL output.
I calculated the electric field map using COMSOL with geometry like the attached images and exported them to text files.
I constructed my application based on the filed02 and purging_magnet examples. I wrote the application successfully. When I plotted the 3D image using QT, I saw that electric vectors concentrate at a part of the geometry as shown in the attached image. I used the following commands to plot them.
# Draw magneticfield
/vis/scene/activateModel Field false
#/vis/scene/add/electricField 20 fullArrow lightArrow
/vis/scene/add/electricField 50 lightArrow
Can anyone help me to solve it? Thank you in advance.
#include "ElectricFieldSetup.hh"
#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
#include "G4AutoLock.hh"
G4Mutex electricField3DLock = G4MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
ElectricFieldSetup::ElectricFieldSetup(const char* filename,
double xOffset, double yOffset, double zOffset)
: fXoffset(xOffset), fYoffset(yOffset), fZoffset(zOffset),
invertX(false), invertY(false), invertZ(false)
double lenUnit = m;
double fieldUnit = volt/m;
G4cout << "\n-----------------------------------------------------------"
<< "\n Magnetic field"
<< "\n-----------------------------------------------------------";
G4cout << "\n ---> " "Reading the field grid from " << filename << " ... " << G4endl;
/// This is a thread-local class and we have to avoid that all workers open the file at the same time
G4AutoLock lock(&electricField3DLock);
ifstream file(filename); // Open the file for reading.
if (!file.is_open())
G4ExceptionDescription ed;
ed << "Could not open input file " << filename << std::endl;
G4Exception("ElectricFieldSetup::ElectricFieldSetup", "electric001", FatalException, ed);
// Ignore first blank line
char buffer[256];
file.getline(buffer, 256);
// Read table dimensions
file >> nx >> ny >> nz; // Note dodgy order
G4cout << " [ Number of values x,y,z: "
<< nx << " " << ny << " " << nz << " ] "
<< G4endl;
// Set up storage space for table
int ix, iy, iz;
for(ix=0; ix<nx; ix++)
for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++)
// Ignore other header information
// The first line whose second character is '0' is considered to be the last line of the header.
// Read in the data
double xval, yval, zval, bx, by, bz;
for(ix=0; ix<nx; ix++)
for(iy=0; iy<ny; iy++)
for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++)
file >> xval >> yval >> zval >> bx >> by >> bz;
//G4cout << " xval: " << xval << " yval: " << yval << " zval: " << zval << endl;
if( ix==0 && iy==0 && iz==0 )
minx = xval * lenUnit;
miny = yval * lenUnit;
minz = zval * lenUnit;
xField[ix][iy][iz] = bx * fieldUnit;
yField[ix][iy][iz] = by * fieldUnit;
zField[ix][iy][iz] = bz * fieldUnit;
// G4cout << " ix: " << ix
// << " iy: " << iy
// << " iz: " << iz
// << " xField: " << xField[ix][iy][iz]
// << " yField: " << yField[ix][iy][iz]
// << " zField: " << zField[ix][iy][iz]
// << G4endl;
maxx = xval * lenUnit;
maxy = yval * lenUnit;
maxz = zval * lenUnit;
G4cout << "\n ---> ... done reading " << G4endl;
G4cout << " ---> assumed the order: x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz "
<< "\n ---> Min values x,y,z: " << minx/cm << " " << miny/cm << " " << minz/cm << " cm "
<< "\n ---> Max values x,y,z: " << maxx/cm << " " << maxy/cm << " " << maxz/cm << " cm "
<< "\n ---> The field will be offset by " << zOffset/cm << " cm "
<< G4endl;
// Should really check that the limits are not the wrong way around.
if(maxx < minx) {swap(maxx,minx); invertX = true;}
if(maxy < miny) {swap(maxy,miny); invertY = true;}
if(maxz < minz) {swap(maxz,minz); invertZ = true;}
G4cout << "\nAfter reordering if neccesary"
<< "\n ---> Min values x,y,z: " << minx/mm << " " << miny/mm << " " << minz/mm << " mm "
<< "\n ---> Max values x,y,z: " << maxx/mm << " " << maxy/mm << " " << maxz/mm << " mm ";
dx = maxx - minx;
dy = maxy - miny;
dz = maxz - minz;
G4cout << "\n ---> Dif values x,y,z (range): "
<< dx/cm << " " << dy/cm << " " << dz/cm << " cm in z "
<< "\n-----------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl;
void ElectricFieldSetup::GetFieldValue(const double Point[4], double* Bfield) const
double x = Point[0] + fXoffset;;
double y = Point[1] + fYoffset;
double z = Point[2] + fZoffset;
// Check that the point is within the defined region
if (x>=minx && x<=maxx &&
y>=miny && y<=maxy &&
z>=minz && z<=maxz)
// Position of given point within region, normalized to the range [0,1]
double xfraction = (x - minx) / dx;
double yfraction = (y - miny) / dy;
double zfraction = (z - minz) / dz;
if (invertX) { xfraction = 1 - xfraction;}
if (invertY) { yfraction = 1 - yfraction;}
if (invertZ) { zfraction = 1 - zfraction;}
// Need addresses of these to pass to modf below. modf uses its second argument as an OUTPUT argument.
double xdindex, ydindex, zdindex;
// Position of the point within the cuboid defined by the nearest surrounding tabulated points
double xlocal = ( std::modf(xfraction*(nx-1), &xdindex));
double ylocal = ( std::modf(yfraction*(ny-1), &ydindex));
double zlocal = ( std::modf(zfraction*(nz-1), &zdindex));
// The indices of the nearest tabulated point whose coordinates are all less than those of the given point
int xindex = static_cast<int>(xdindex);
int yindex = static_cast<int>(ydindex);
int zindex = static_cast<int>(zdindex);
G4cout << "Local x,y,z: " << xlocal << " " << ylocal << " " << zlocal << G4endl;
G4cout << "Index x,y,z: " << xindex << " " << yindex << " " << zindex << G4endl;
double valx0z0, mulx0z0, valx1z0, mulx1z0;
double valx0z1, mulx0z1, valx1z1, mulx1z1;
valx0z0= table[xindex ][0][zindex]; mulx0z0= (1-xlocal) * (1-zlocal);
valx1z0= table[xindex+1][0][zindex]; mulx1z0= xlocal * (1-zlocal);
valx0z1= table[xindex ][0][zindex+1]; mulx0z1= (1-xlocal) * zlocal;
valx1z1= table[xindex+1][0][zindex+1]; mulx1z1= xlocal * zlocal;
// Full 3-dimensional version
Bfield[0] = 0.0;
Bfield[1] = 0.0;
Bfield[2] = 0.0;
Bfield[3] =
xField[xindex ][yindex ][zindex ] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
xField[xindex ][yindex ][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * zlocal +
xField[xindex ][yindex+1][zindex ] * (1-xlocal) * ylocal * (1-zlocal) +
xField[xindex ][yindex+1][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * ylocal * zlocal +
xField[xindex+1][yindex ][zindex ] * xlocal * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
xField[xindex+1][yindex ][zindex+1] * xlocal * (1-ylocal) * zlocal +
xField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex ] * xlocal * ylocal * (1-zlocal) +
xField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex+1] * xlocal * ylocal * zlocal ;
Bfield[4] =
yField[xindex ][yindex ][zindex ] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
yField[xindex ][yindex ][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * zlocal +
yField[xindex ][yindex+1][zindex ] * (1-xlocal) * ylocal * (1-zlocal) +
yField[xindex ][yindex+1][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * ylocal * zlocal +
yField[xindex+1][yindex ][zindex ] * xlocal * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
yField[xindex+1][yindex ][zindex+1] * xlocal * (1-ylocal) * zlocal +
yField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex ] * xlocal * ylocal * (1-zlocal) +
yField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex+1] * xlocal * ylocal * zlocal ;
Bfield[5] =
zField[xindex ][yindex ][zindex ] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
zField[xindex ][yindex ][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * zlocal +
zField[xindex ][yindex+1][zindex ] * (1-xlocal) * ylocal * (1-zlocal) +
zField[xindex ][yindex+1][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * ylocal * zlocal +
zField[xindex+1][yindex ][zindex ] * xlocal * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
zField[xindex+1][yindex ][zindex+1] * xlocal * (1-ylocal) * zlocal +
zField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex ] * xlocal * ylocal * (1-zlocal) +
zField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex+1] * xlocal * ylocal * zlocal ;
Bfield[3] = 0.0;
Bfield[4] = 0.0;
Bfield[5] = 0.0;