Weird xenon Spectrum

I’m trying to simulate a xenon chamber. To generate my particles I use the following command:
/gps/particle ion
/gps/ion 54 135 0

In order to verify that the generated spectrum is the right one I retrieve the primary gamma information in a histogram. When I compare the result obtained with the theoretical data (from Janis), the spectra are not the same. I have low energy peaks.

I have already seen the following topic: Weird decay spectrum
But this solution does not work (second figure).
The graph is even less faithful to the theory. My code is the following:
G4String Nom =particule -> GetParticleName();
G4int id = 1;

  const std::vector<const G4Track*>* secondary 
                                    = step->GetSecondaryInCurrentStep();    
  for (size_t lp=0; lp<(*secondary).size(); lp++) {
    G4double charge = (*secondary)[lp]->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge();
    if (step->GetTrack()->GetParentID()==1 && step->GetTrack()->GetCurrentStepNumber()==1 ){
    if (charge != 0.) { id = 6;} else if ((*secondary)[lp]->GetDefinition() == G4Gamma::Definition() ) { id = 7;
   // G4cout<<Nom<<particule->GetPDGCharge()<<G4endl;
   // G4double energy = (*secondary)[lp]->GetKineticEnergy(); (uncommented for first histo)
    G4double energy =step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetKineticEnergy(); (uncommented for second histo)

How can I fix it ?
Thank you !

I ran example rdecay01 with attached macro : felicien.mac.txt
Upper plot is with ARMflag = false (line 115 of, lower plot with ARMflag =true.

ARM means Atomic Relexation Mode, aka Atomic Deexcitation, aka Fluorescence and Auger cascade.

In your application, add /process/em/fluo false and /process/em/augerCascade false

felicien.mac.txt (221 Bytes)

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" In your application, add /process/em/fluo false and /process/em/augerCascade false "

more simply : /grdm/applyARM false would be enough ( I did not check …)

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Will try it thank you !